The last few nights we’ve been having some aftershocks. A couple of 4.7s and at least one smaller quake. They seem to happen conveniently at times like 4:30 am or 1:45 am. These little quakes probably wouldn’t even make me roll over in bed back in California, but here in Haiti it’s a little different. The hospital building is strong and it’s been cleared by the US Army Corp of Engineers which makes me feel a bit better, but it’s still not a pleasant way to wake up.
It’s the sound of things shaking that wakes me up, then you start to hear people screaming. When these quakes hit a lot of the patients take off running wether they have IVs in or not. You’ll see mother’s grab their children and run for the exits. Understandably, anytime the earth starts to heave the Haitian people are very weary.
Last night Cosmin and I were hanging out with Sebastien. Just before we headed inside he told us he was worried that while we were asleep the building would fall down and hurt us. We tried to reassure him that we would be alright but I don’t think he was convinced.
Junior, one of the guys that we’ve been following is probably leaving the camp today. He lost part of his leg in the earthquake. He has two little kids, a young wife, and nowhere to live.
Dr. David Marks left for home this morning. He did some really, really amazing work down in the ER while here. If I ever get sick he’s the guy I want taking care of me. I don’t know how many lives he saved and impacted while he was here, but it is certainly a large number.Cosmin and I at the front gate.
Things got a little unruly at the gate of the hospital yesterday.
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